Average Doctor Salary (2023 Update) – By Specialty and by State

Last modified: March 5, 2023

Having a job in medicine has always been held in high regard in society. After all, being a doctor is undisputedly noble, beneficial, and practically life-saving in certain cases. However, looking back on their medical studies, it wasn’t always so easy for them. What is more, their current situation differs greatly from specialty to specialty.

Compensation-related questions have always been a hot topic in this profession, as the average doctor salary is considered one of the highest paying salaries on the market today. But how much does it actually amount to, really? More importantly, what is the actual cost of reaching that goal, if any? And is it all worth it?

Check out the following facts and stats about doctors’ salaries across the US and see it for all that it is cracked up to be!

Average Doctor Salary Stats and Facts 2021 (Editor’s Pick)

  • The minimum salary in medicine is $23,500 vs. the maximum — $397,500.
  • The average annual doctor’s salary is around $224,190.
  • Doctors’ salaries have risen by 4.6% since last year.
  • The average annual cost of attending a medical school in the US is $34,592.
  • Medical student expenses amount to a staggering $800,000 in total (including lost opportunity earnings).
  • Male physicians earn 25% more than their female counterparts — a growing gender gap since last year’s 18%.
  • Male surgeons earn 20% higher wages than female surgeons.
  • Orthopedics, plastic surgery, and otolaryngology are the highest-paying specialties in the US.

The Average Salary of a Doctor in the US


  1. The average salary of a medical doctor in the US is estimated at $209.044

The latest estimates on doctors’ salaries for the year 2020 show that they average around $209,044, with a few discrepancies; up to $162,000 at a time.

Source: ZipRecruiter

2. The minimum and maximum thresholds vary distinctly — the lowest being $45,500, whereas the highest is $359,000.

With this in mind, it is important to point out that the data is taken on a national level, which explains the wide gap between the various medical doctor salary thresholds. After all, cities and states, each with their own living standards, are bound to affect this aspect as well. Hence, a more realistic range of the doctors’ pay in the US would be along the lines of $45,500 (low-end), up to $359,000 (high-end).

Source: ZipRecruiter

3. Last year, ZipRecruiter estimated that $209,044 was the average salary for medical doctors, specifically.

According to doctor salary statistics, there has been a minor reduction in the doctor’s overall paycheck. However, the results for 2021 are yet to be defined — a steady growth is expected for this year as much as it was recorded over the past decade.

Source: The Street

4. The Medscape annual report shows a gradual increase of 4.6% since 2018’s average salary.

The percentage is based on the comparison of the average salary from 2018, which was estimated to be at around $299,000, and the overall annual doctors’ paycheck of 2019 — $313,000.

Source: Medscape

5. The highest average salary in the US thus far goes to healthcare professions, with wider differences across specialties.

About a dozen medical care professions take up the highest-ranking positions in terms of average annual pay in the US.

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics

6. Preview of the top 25 highest paying medical jobs in the US for 2019, and comparatively, their 2018 averages, including the average doctor salary across multiple fields.

Job Position 2019 2018
Anesthesiologist $267,020 $265,990
Surgeon $267,020 $265,090
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon $242,370 $242,740
Obstetrician/Gynecologist $238,320 $235,240
Orthodontist $225,760 $229,380
Psychiatrist $220,380 $216,090
Physician $203,880 $214,700
Family and General Practice Physician $211,780 $208,560
Internist, General $196,490 $198,370
Prosthodontist $191,400 $1196,050
CEO $200,140 $196,960
Pediatrician, General $183,240 $180,010
Dentist $175,840 $187,540
Nurse Anesthetist $174,790 $169,450
Pilot and Flight Engineer $169,560 $161,280
Petroleum Engineer $156,370 $154,780
Information Systems Manager $152,860 $149,730
Podiatrist $148,220 $148,470
Architecture and Engineer Manager $148,970 $143,530
Marketing Manager $147,240 $145,620
Financial Manager $146,830 $146,290
Attorney $144,230 $141,890
Sales Manager $140,320 $140,600
Natural Sciences Manager $139,680 $133,670
Compensation and Benefits Manager $132,860 $130,010

Source: Investopedia

As a point of reference, the average American income in 2019 was $68,703, meaning that the average anesthesiologist yearly makes almost four times the salary of an average American.

7.The average cost of medical school in the US amounts to $34,592 per year.

This figure is estimated to cover the expenses for a whole year of in-state studies at a medical school including books, tuition, and other expenses. For out-of-state students at these schools, expenses average around $58,668 a year.

Source: American Medical Student Association

8. Private med schools are costly — Tufts University currently holds the record at $61,436 in annual expenses for tuition and school fees alone.

Honorable mentions include Columbia University, Dartmouth, Northwestern University, and Case Western Reserve University, making them the top five most expensive schools for medical studies in the USA.

Source: American Medical Student Association

9. The total cost of medical school in the US amounts to around $800,000 in overall expenses (including lost opportunity earnings).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculated that, per annum, would-be doctors are losing as much as $57,304. Overall, $229,216 for the first four years of their medical school studies. Now, this is only the beginning. The estimates for “lost opportunity earnings” paired with book costs, tuition fees, living and other expenses, rake up a total amount of $800,000; meaning, the cost of medical school is one heck of an investment, for sure!

Source: Best Medical Degrees

10. Gender compensation gap was persistent in 2020 among the physicians: Male doctors earn 25% more than female doctors, which is a wider gender pay gap than last year’s 18%.

But the gender compensation gap decreased among the specialists in 2020.

Data regarding male and female doctors’ salaries for 2019 show that the former earn $258,000 per annum, while the latter, rake in only $207,000. This difference was somewhat smaller in 2018, when the same figure amounted to just 18%. Nevertheless, this tendency goes back a few generations at least, with male physician median pay (annual) being 16% higher than that of their female counterparts in 2017, and another 17% higher back in 2016.

This payment gap persisted even in 2020. Male primary care physicians earned approximately 25% more than their female colleagues. When it comes to specialists – we witnessed a compensation gap decrease. Male specialists earned 33% more than their female counterparts in 2019 – in 2020 they already earned only 31% more.

Source: Medscape

11. Prostitution is a common source of funds for medical students struggling with crippling loans and cost debts. Although, only 26% of doctors think they should deserve to qualify for student debt forgiveness programs.

The cost of medical studies has been rising exponentially over the past decade or so, and so has the number of med students resorting to prostitution in order to pay off their expenses. For those students who would stop at nothing to fulfill their dreams of having the average salary of a doctor, we have some bad news! In the US, this isn’t a legal possibility since it is only authorized in the Nevada brothels. In fact, a San Diego Californian, Natalie Dylan, made headlines in 2009 for selling her virginity in exchange for her master’s degree fees.

However, UK meds students are using the opportunity, with up to 10% of them knowing a student in this line of work.

Source: Live Science and ABC News

Physician Salary by Specialty 

12. Top 5 Most Lucrative Specialties

  • Orthopedics — $483,000

Since last year, orthopedic physicians have surpassed plastic surgeons in terms of salary, taking first place as the highest-paid specialty in medicine. In 2018, their average annual compensation was around $497,000.

  • Plastic Surgery — $471,000

Plastic surgeons have fallen to the second position, and so has their average yearly salary from last year’s first-ranking $501,000 to this year’s $471,000.

  • Otolaryngology — $461,000

The average physician salary has changed quite a bit over the years; otolaryngology included. Physicians practicing this specialty have seen a major increase in pay, unlike the previous two; jumping all the way from 8th to 3rd place — from $383,000 to $461,000.

  • Cardiology — $430,000

From third to fourth highest-paying specialty, cardiology doctors’ annual salary fell from $432,000 to $430,000 this year. Cardiologists are one of the most sought after physican specialty, as heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women.

  • Dermatology — $419,000

The average physician salary by specialty — in this case, for dermatology — has increased over the course of a year, from $392,000 up to $419,000.

13.Top 5 Least Lucrative Specialties

  • Public Health and Preventive Medicine — $209,000

This specialty has been keeping its lowest-paying position since last year, despite the increase in average annual salary from $199,000 to $209,000.

  • Pediatrics — $225,000

Salaries for pediatrics are more or less in the same position as the previous year; they haven’t changed their rank even though the pediatrics’ annual compensation increased about $13,000 since 2018.

  • Family Medicine — $231,000

Despite the increase in the average family medicine salary, this category has managed to become the third-lowest paid specialty in the United States; with an increase of only $12,000 — from $219,000 to $231,000.

  • Diabetes and Endocrinology — $236,000

These physicians have seen a positive trend throughout the year with an annual income of $212,000 in 2018, going up to $236,000 in 2019.

  • Infectious Diseases — $239,000

Physicians specializing in infectious diseases have been experiencing a less progressive trend than the rest, with an increase of only $9,000 since 2018. Hence, going from the 6th position, they are now the 5th lowest paid medical specialty in 2019.

Source: Medscape

Average Doctor Salary by State 

14. Top 5 Most Lucrative States for Doctors

  • New York — $149,167

The hourly wage for New York doctors is estimated to be at $71.74, making this is the first-ranking state in terms of the average annual doctors’ salary; between a median low of $87,562 and a high $261,593.

  • Massachusetts — $148,212

The hourly rate here is just slightly lower — $71.22. However, this is just per average — realistically speaking, the salary can be as high as $172,773 for a doctor’s job in Massachusetts.

  • DC — $144,218

More or less the same range is present in the third-ranked state in terms of MD salary averages across the US. Up to $170,305 is the usual discrepancy found in various statistics, even though, on average, the salary ranges between $85,688 in the 25th percentile to $255,993 in the 75th percentile.

  • Maryland — $139,888

Though only fourth in line, according to ZipRecruiter, Maryland is still rather high above the national average when the salary of a doctor is concerned, with an estimated $136,336.

  • Hawaii — $137,882

Hawaii is evidently all about the quality of living; for doctors, it’s no different. Healthcare professionals do earn widely different wages depending on their jobs (from as low as $19,270 to $264,707), but the average doctors’ salary still evens out at a fairly beneficial average.

15. Top 5 Least Lucrative States for Doctors

  • North Carolina — $106,336

If you ever wondered “how much do doctors make” at the least-paid positions, North Carolina is the place with all the answers. Doctors here seem to have it the toughest, with the lowest nationwide average. Peak wages reach up to $203,240, while the lowest ones are set at only $14,795.

  • Florida — $114,514

Even on average, the second-lowest ranking state in terms of doctors’ salaries in the US is still showing a vast discrepancy. Paychecks can range anywhere from $67,203 up to $200,771.

  • Mississippi — $116,471

The US doctor average salary statistics rank this state 48th when previewing them from the highest to the lowest-paid positions across the states. Here, the salary of a medical professional can vary as drastically as $135,700.

  • Missouri — $117,420

The average pay for doctors in Missouri may be a “solid” $117,420, but, depending on a lot of factors, it could alternate between a low ($16,371) doctor salary and a high ($224,886).

  • Michigan — $118,100

Well below the national average, the state of Michigan does, however, indicate some improvements to the overall situation in regards to doctors’ salaries. The average high is slightly better than the previous ones, reaching up to $225,589, but the overall range is still significantly low — up to $137,428.

Source: ZipRecruiter

Top Cities with the Highest Doctor Salary 

16. Top 10 Cities with the Highest Physician Compensation

  • Milwaukee — $395,363

Milwaukee has been keeping its place on the list of top 10 doctors’ cities in the US for two years in a row. What is more, unlike others, it has also managed to retain its upward rise.

  • New Orleans — $384,651

Life is good for doctors in New Orleans, but it seems like it is still slightly better for men than it is for women, with the gender wage game going as high as $131,394.

  • Riverside, CA — $371,295

Speaking about gender gaps, the alarmingly large void between the different male and female doctor salary statistics only raises awareness; Riverside has been working all the harder in order to actually repair the situation — lowering the gap by 14%.

  • Minneapolis — $369,889

Minneapolis, like most other cities on this list, has found itself there for the first time.

  • Charlotte, NC — $368,205

Charlotte is proof that an objective, yet qualitative and insightful ranking, can account for more than just the growth rate of compensation when different average physician salary ranges are concerned. In fact, the city has had only a 2% growth rate throughout the entire year!

  • Dallas — $263,472

The second city to find its place back onto the same list for the highest doctors’ compensation after 2017 is Dallas, despite its low rate of growth.

  • Atlanta — $362,267

For Atlanta, the growth rate of 8% has been looking rather good, and this is more than evident on the list.

  • Los Angeles — $356,390

The third and final city to fight its way from last year’s average doctor salary statistics to this year’s ranking is LA. For doctors there, growth may not be their strong suit, but gender equality is certainly overcoming the issue, with the city ranking top 8 with the highest female physicians’ salaries.

  • Cincinnati — $354,129

The city has been experiencing a steady rate of growth since 2017’s last report, earning its place among the top 10 contemporary rankings.

  • Hartford, CT — $352,129

Hartford takes the last place on the list of top 10 cities for doctors looking to get the most compensation possible. Nevertheless, this seems to work for male doctors much better than for female ones; the gender gap between their wages have increased since the last census (−9%).

Source: Doximity

Average Surgeon Salary 

17. The salary for a general surgeon is $388,429, which is more than $100,000 over the average doctor’s salary.

According to the latest estimates, in 2019, the salary for surgeons in the US was significantly higher than that of doctors. This is a median calculation, while the more realistic surgeon wage ranges between $328,483 and $461,007.

Source: Salary.com

18. Male surgeons have 20% higher salaries than women surgeons — a smaller gender pay gap than that of physicians.

The average salary for male surgeons is estimated to be around $377,000, while women surgeons earn only $315,000; keep in mind that 75% of all surgeons are actually men.

Source: Medscape

19. General surgeon salary is fairly mid-level compared to other medical professions; ranked just below the top 10 highest paid specialties.

General surgeons make slightly less than the top medical specialties but are still well above the average wage range of oncologists, critical care and pulmonary medicine doctors, pathologists, and more.

Source: Medscape

20. Surgeons in Nebraska earn the highest salary among all the states in the USA.

Following the top-paid surgeons in Nebraska, with an estimated average general surgeon salary sitting at around $287,890, the states with the highest-paid surgeons include Maine, New Jersey, Maryland, and Kansas.

Source: Smart Asset

21. The city of Huntington, WV, as well as Ashland, KY, are considered top cities for surgeon salaries.

Both locations offer enough job opportunities for this profession while still retaining a low cost of living and a high quality of living. They are followed by the second-ranked city of Columbus, OH,  and Wichita, KS, as well as fifth-ranked Bowling Green, KY.

Source: ValuePenguin

Average Nurse Salary 

22. The average salary for nurses in the US is $71,730.

Bear in mind that this is only the median estimate; realistically, wages can vary more drastically, from $50,800 per annum, up to $106,530.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

23. According to Medscape’s Compensation Report, RNs are paid a lot more than LPC.

RNs in the US are paid $81,000 annually, on average, compared to the Licensed Practical Nurses’ average salary of $46,000.

Source: Medscape

24. Occupational/employee health practice settings rank highest for nurse average salary rates — paying them up to $84,000.

Inpatient care hospitals and insurance settings are the two fields of work where RNs get the highest wages — $84,000; whereas nurse wages for hospital-based outpatient clinics are $82,000 and in academic settings — $81,000.

Source: Medscape

25. LPNs in skilled nursing and long-term care units are paid the most — $48,000.

Those working in inpatient care hospitals receive average nurse salary ranges just below the highest mark — $47,000, followed by nurse wages in the home health practice setting — $46,000. Fourth and fifth-ranking LPN salaries are those paid in outpatient settings, or clinics, ($46,000) and public health settings ($44,000).

Source: Medscape

26. In terms of specialty, Advanced Practice Nurses receive the highest salaries — up to $167,950.

This is well beyond the average salary of a nurse that is practicing as an RN or LPN. The highest-paid category of APNs is a Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) — $167,950; followed by Certified Nurse Midwife — $103,770; and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) — $107,460.

Source: All Nursing Schools

Locum tenens statistics

27. Full-time locum tenens medical professionals usually make from 30% to 50% more than a permanent position would yield.

28. Self-employed physicians, also known as locum tenens, earn approximately 20% more compared to their employed counterparts. The average salary of a locum tenens is approximately $357,000 compared to the $297,000 average of full-time employed doctors.

29. In August 2019, the National Association of Locum Tenens Organizations (NALTO) stated that 90% of all US healthcare facilities are using the services of locum tenens. Around 50,000 locum tenens are included in the various medical projects.

Incentive Pay Eligibility

30. Around 56% of physicians claim they are eligible for incentive pay, which can make a significant compensation increase. Incentives can be paid in two different ways: through bonuses where specialists keep part of the net profits or through RVU. RVU is used to track the productivity of the physician using medical records.

31.Incentive bonus for primary care physicians was $26,000 on average, while for orthopedists it was about $96,000. Incentives are tied with productivity levels – so it means they need to work extra hours.

Overall satisfaction with salary

32. Overall salary satisfaction among doctors: 35.8% claim they are satisfied with their salaries, yet 32.5% remain unsatisfied. The rest are neutral about their income.

33. When we are talking about regrets of career choice – pathologists (32.7%) and anesthesiologists (20.6%) are the most likely to regret their career choice.

34. A big percentage of doctors report experiencing burnout syndrome (45%) as the main reason for regretting this career. Given a choice now, only 54% of doctors will choose this career again, and 42% the same specialty as they did when starting on their career path.


There is no denying that the medical profession is the noblest and most noteworthy of all; and just as difficult and demanding. Doctors have to go through much lengthier (and tougher) education than usual and need to pass multiple examinations just to obtain a license to practice medicine.

Nowadays, technological achievements are facilitating medical breakthroughs as never before. Still, it all comes down to the skillfulness of a doctor or team of physicians, nurses, surgeons, and other professionals to determine the average (doctor) salary of each individual. Hence, it is most understandable that four out of the top five most highly paid jobs remain somewhat in the field of medicine, and this is quite unlikely to change anytime soon.




How much money did doctors make in 2020?

The pandemic has changed things drastically, yet doctor salaries continued to grow. PCPs (primary care physicians) according to reports earned an average salary of between $243,000 and $237,000 in 2019, while specialists earned an average of $346,000, compared to the average $341,000 in 2019.

What's the highest-paid doctor position?

The highest-paid specialists are surgeons: first on the list are neurosurgeons at $746,544, followed by thoracic surgeons with $668,350 and orthopedic surgeons with $605,330 per year.

What are the lowest-paid doctors?

The lowest-paid specialists were family doctors, pediatricians, and public healthcare with an average salary of $232,000.

Is it hard to become a doctor?

This career is a synonym for prestige and altruism. Yet, choosing this career path shouldn’t be an impulsive decision since it requires focus, hard work, and devotion plus constant improvement for decades to come. The financial aspect can also be challenging. In order to get the best education, you need to find prestigious schools that usually have high fees.

Are doctors millionaires?

According to Rich Habits Study – 56% of self-made millionaires are doctors, followed by lawyers, financial advisors, and engineers. The highest-paid medicine specialists are surgeons and scientists.

List of Sources: