Terms of Use

Last modified: October 9, 2020

Before anything else, we thank you for visiting PolicyAdvice.net (hereinafter known as “we” and “us”). The following are ourTerms of Use (the “Terms”) which are intended to guide on how you can use PolicyAdvice (the “Website”). By using our Website, you are accepting these Terms in full. The Terms will come to effect on your first visit and any other recurring visit to the website and will apply to all visitors as well.

  1. Your use of InsuranceUN.com
  1. You may not use the Website for the following purposes:
    1. to commit acts of fraud and dishonesty;
    2. to send or post content that is considered as threatening, abusive, vulgar, and objectionable, or offensive to any groups;
    3. to negatively affect the personal experience of other users on the Website;
    4. to spread any form of spam or unauthorized advertising to other users who are also using the platform;
    5. to commit any criminal offenses or acts that are otherwise opposed to the law and legal rights of the users coming from any jurisdiction whether on or off the United States;
    6. to breach the clauses of any patent, trademark copyright or other intellectual property and proprietary rights of private individuals or other companies;
    7. to share any content that you do not have any legal rights to.
  1. Our Website employs the use of automated query programs such as bots, spiders, and web crawlers. You are not permitted to use any of these at any given point in time. Neither is gaining unauthorized access to the content on our Website. Unless you have the proper permission given by us, the use of any automated software or software that can extract data from PolicyAdvice is not allowed.
  1. As outlined in our Privacy Policy which you agree to upon using our services, any material you post or share on the website will not be treated as confidential. Excluded from this is your personally-identifiable information. We have no obligations concerning that sort of material and will be free to host, display, and otherwise use that material for any purpose anywhere in the world.


  1. Intellectual property
  1. Our Website and its content (including all articles, images, text, and designs) are owned by us (unless otherwise stated). As long as it is our property, all the content within our Website is protected by copyright, and unregistered trademarks, and other intellectual property rights laws. Any breach of this will lead to legal consequences.
  2. You are given permission to access or view the shared content on our website on all platforms it is accessible in. You are also permitted to print a copy of the content so long as it will be for personal used. Lastly, you are advised to adhere to the underlying conditions:
    1. All copyright and proprietary notices on the website must be kept intact;
    2. All content cannot be copied, reproduced, or used for commercial purposes;
    3. You are required to acquire our permission should you want to use any of our content.
  1. Limitations of liability
  1. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or any other damages, or any loss of profits, data, or revenue, that could incur upon using our Website.
  2. While we do our best to guarantee that all content on our website is correct or reputable, we cannot fully ensure that the content is accurate, complete, or current. As such, we are not liable for any reliance made on you, and on the part of third-party websites using our content.
  3. We are not liable for the content or activity that is posted on the third-party websites that we link to.
  4. The Website may contain promotional materials from other firms. We are not responsible for the content they post as they are expected to follow any laws or codes of practice in marketing and advertising. We are not liable for any breaches made on their end, as well as any loss or damage caused by the material.
  1. Availability of the website
  1. As with other websites in the world, there are no guarantees that our service will operate without a hitch. If there are any problems or issues with Your use of InsuranceUN.com,  you can report to us and we will try to take action as soon as we can.
  2. In the case of maintenance or update, our Website may not be accessible at all times. During these times, we will try to resume operations as soon as we can as well.
  1. Reviews
  1. For the purposes of this clause, people who are writing reviews on the services and insurance packages we post on the website are called “Reviewers.”
  2. By submitting a review, Reviewers promise that:
    1. Their opinion will represent their genuine and independent views and is not intended to bias towards or against the reputation of the employer in question;
    2. Their review is not paid for by a third party;
    3. Their review is entirely original and not, completely or partially, copied from another source or user;
    4. By providing their review, they grant PolicyAdvice.net an exclusive and irrevocable license to use the review for any purpose anywhere in the world.
  3. We at PolicyAdvice may, at any time and for whatever reason, remove any content from the Website at our sole discretion, especially if we believe that the review violates any of the rules above or any of the clauses in our Terms of Use.
  1. General Terms
  1. These Terms may be updated for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow for proper operation of the Website or to comply with any changes in the laws within our nation. If such changes are made, all users will be notified via an announcement made on PolicyAdvice. Any change will be effective immediately once the notifications have been distributed. If you do not want to accept the new Terms, you should not continue using the Website. Continuing to use the Website from the day when any changes in these Terms take effect means that you have accepted the changes.
  2. Your rights and obligations under these Terms may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or party.
  3. Any right we choose not to enforce on you on one occasion may be administered at another time instead.
  4. We are not liable for any breach of these Terms caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control.
  1. Law and Jurisdiction
  1. These terms or any dispute that arises in relation to them are subject to the laws of the United States.
  2. We do not guarantee that any content on the Website is in compliance with any legal regulations outside the jurisdiction of the United States. Accessing the Website from outside the United States wherein the content is illegal is prohibited. If you choose to breach this clause, you will be held responsible for compliance with local regulations.